Rainwater system maintenance

The roof with its accessories is an important and visible façade of the building, protecting the building from the effects of weather and moisture. Pisko products, which improve the operation, use and safety of the building, create a high-quality and functional whole. A properly designed and implemented rainwater system reliably directs rainwater and meltwater to stormwater drains away from the building’s foundations.

Inspections and maintenance

Light and regular maintenance is usually sufficient for Pisko rainwater system. The location of the building and local conditions can significantly affect the amount of maintenance work. Older systems need more regular maintenance. It is recommended that rainwater systems be inspected twice a year.

Regular inspections and maintenance of the rainwater system includes

  • Inspection of the rainwater system
  • Maintenance
    Maintenance measures are carried out based on the observations made in the inspection.

    • Cleaning of gutters, downspouts and rainwater drain
    • Repair of mechanical damages
    • Touch-up painting for minor damages

Light and regular maintenance is usually sufficient for Pisko rainwater system.

Inspection twice a year, in spring and autumn

As a general guideline, rainwater systems should be inspected in spring and autumn, and accumulated leaves and debris should be removed. In addition, after the winter, you should check the fastenings of the products and the tightness of the joints. Any scratches on the paint surface can be repaired with touch-up paint. The position of the gutters should be corrected if necessary and lose fastenings tightened. Regular  maintenance measures ensure the operation of the system and the validity of the warranty.

See maintenance instructions for more detailed guidelines on rainwater system/gutter maintenance.

Don’t forget safety!

Remember to pay attention to safety issues even before starting maintenance work. Wear appropriate protective equipment when climbing on the roof and working at heights. The roof is very slippery when wet. If the roof is steep, high, or in a difficult location, we recommend having the work done by a professional.


“A properly dimensioned and regularly maintained rainwater system has a significant impact on the condition of the building”

Rainwater systems


Round rainwater system

Kantikas sadevesijärjestelmä

K-style rainwater system

Tyylikäs ja likaantumaton sadevesijärjestelmä

Supraflow rainwater system

Sadevesijärjestelmän ylläpito ja huolto

Rainwater system maintenance

Rainwater systems and roof safety products

Rainwater systems

Pisko rainwater systems conduct rainwater off the roof and building structures in a controlled way. The most extensive range in the market includes options for all tastes in all roofing and facade colors. The GreenCoat RWS Pural-coated rainwater system components come with a technical warranty for 50 years.

Read more about Rainwater systems

Ladder products

Pisko SafeGrip, for a better grip. Pisko ladders provide safe access to roofs, the ridge of roofs, chimneys, roof hatches and other locations that require maintenance. The Pisko ladder range also offers solutions for a safe descent from balconies and upper floor rooms. The ladders are available in all roofing and facade colors. The Pisko SafeGrip ladder system comes with a technical warranty for 50 years.

Read more about Ladder products

Snow guards

Pisko snow guards are used to prevent dangerous situations that can be caused by snow and ice falling from the roof. Snow guards can also protect structures installed on the roof. Our range includes snow guards for all roofing materials. Painted Pisko snow guards come with a technical warranty for 50 years.

Read more about Snow guards

Roof walkways

A Pisko roof walkway ensures safe access to roof-mounted objects requiring maintenance in all conditions. The roof walkways are available in all roofing colors. The CE-marked roof walkway system has a technical warranty for 50 years.

Read more about Roof walkways

Safety equipment

Pisko safety equipment ensures safe access to the roof and moving to the maintenance sites on the roof. The safety equipment is available in all roofing and facade colors. Pisko safety equipment has a technical warranty for 50 years.

Read more about Safety equipment

Gutter coils and roofing sheet coils

Piristeel’s products include a wide range steel manufactured in Finland for various purposes. The raw materials are locally sourced and therefore an ecologically sustainable choice. We can deliver CE-marked 610 mm and 1250 mm roofing sheet coils and gutter coils on short notice from our warehouse.

Read more about Gutter coils and roofing sheet coils

Pisko Solar

Roof fastenings for solar panels are an important part of the Solar assemblies compliant with green energy values. We offer an effective range of tested and safe solar panel roof brackets that withstand northern conditions. Pisko Solar solar panel brackets are always treated using Qualicoat 1-compliant powder coatings, and the products come with a technical warranty for 50 years.

Read more about Pisko Solar

Pisko balcony fire hatch

The Pisko fire hatch is intended as an emergency exit route from the balconies of apartment buildings. The easy-to-use product ensures safe and fast evacuation from every floor of a high-rise building. All parts of the Pisko fire hatch have been treated using Qualicoat 1-compliant powder coats. The product has a technical warranty for 40 years.

Read more about Pisko balcony fire hatch

Pisko SafeLine wire system

NEW PRODUCT! Pisko SafeLine wire system takes safety to the next level!

Read more about Pisko SafeLine wire system

Pisko MultiFast

NEW PRODUCT! Pisko MultiFast is a fastening solution especially for low slope roofs.

Read more about Pisko MultiFast